RTLS: Real-Time Location Services Healthcare

TRACE Real-Time Location Services (RTLS) for Healthcare

Next-Level Healthcare: From Safety to Savings

TRACE Real-Time Location Services (RTLS) technology is a transformative solution for the healthcare industry, addressing critical challenges and providing significant benefits across hospitals, clinics, and doctor practices. 

By improving asset management, enhancing patient safety, optimizing workflows, and ensuring compliance with safety standards, RTLS enables healthcare providers to deliver higher quality care while managing costs and resources more effectively.

TRACE Real-Time Location Services (RTLS) for Healthcare inventory

Reduce Staff Burnout

  • Distribute tasks efficiently and reduce workload disparities
  • Optimize staff allocation to improve response times
  • Monitor the location and status of equipment
  • Alleviate unnecessary stressors that impede quality of care

 Minimize Long Wait Times

  • Optimize appointment scheduling
  • Improve patient-flow management
  • Ensure timely interventions

Prepare for Aging Population

  • Help prevent falls and provide timely alerts
  • Track assets needed for elder long-term care
  • Reduce the instance of medical errors

Maximize Health System Funding

  • Optimize the use of equipment and supplies
  • Streamline workflows and reduce administrative overhead
  • Monitor temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors

Ensure Public Health Preparedness

  • Facilitate quick deployment and coordination of emergency response teams
  • Monitor and manage infectious disease outbreaks
TRACE Real-Time Location Services (RTLS) for Healthcare management

Reduce Staff Burnout

  • Distribute tasks efficiently and reduce workload disparities
  • Optimize staff allocation to improve response times
  • Monitor the location and status of equipment
  • Alleviate unnecessary stressors that impede quality of care

 Minimize Long Wait Times

  • Optimize appointment scheduling
  • Improve patient-flow management
  • Ensure timely interventions

Prepare for Aging Population

  • Help prevent falls and provide timely alerts
  • Track assets needed for elder long-term care
  • Reduce the instance of medical errors

Maximize Health System Funding

  • Optimize the use of equipment and supplies
  • Streamline workflows and reduce administrative overhead
  • Monitor temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors

Ensure Public Health Preparedness

  • Facilitate quick deployment and coordination of emergency response teams
  • Monitor and manage infectious disease outbreaks
TRACE Real-Time Location Services (RTLS) for Healthcare inventory
TRACE Real-Time Location Services (RTLS) for Healthcare management

Let us help you build a smarter Healthcare offering with TRACE Sensors.

Phone: 647-367-1446