RTLS: Real-Time Location Services in Hospitality

RTLS for Hospitality

Provide an Exceptional Experience While Boosting Your Bottom Line

TRACE Real-Time Location Systems (RTLS) provide you with the data insights and up-to-the-minute accuracy of assets, staff, and inventory you need to deliver a 5-star experience for guests as well your bottom line. Reduce guest wait times, bridge labor gaps, ensure safety and security of guests and staff, and cut overhead and overspending significantly impacting your net income.

Optimize Asset Management

  • Reduce downtime and boost operational efficiency
  • Improve equipment utilization and lifespan
  • Prevent thefts and replacement costs
  • Streamline maintenance management

Ensure Seamless Guest Experiences

  • Elevate check-in and check-out processes
  • Customize experiences to guest preferences
  • Locate and deliver faster service
  • Enhance security and emergency evacuations

Strengthen Staff Efficiency and Allocation

  • Optimize staff deployment
  • Benefit from dynamic scheduling
  • Prioritize tasks based on location and urgency
  • Ensure staff always has access to necessary tools

Make Security and Safety a Top Priority

  • Pinpoint exact locations during emergencies
  • Quickly identify suspicious behavior
  • Keep children from wander off grounds
  • Provide protection for lone workers

Manage Large-Scale Events

  • Provide personalized navigation and information
  • Streamline check-in process
  • Improve crowd management
  • Optimize staff and equipment deployment

Optimize Asset Management

  • Reduce downtime and boost operational efficiency
  • Improve equipment utilization and lifespan
  • Prevent thefts and replacement costs
  • Streamline maintenance management

Ensure Seamless Guest Experiences

  • Elevate check-in and check-out processes
  • Customize experiences to guest preferences
  • Locate and deliver faster service
  • Enhance security and emergency evacuations

Strengthen Staff Efficiency and Allocation

  • Optimize staff deployment
  • Benefit from dynamic scheduling
  • Prioritize tasks based on location and urgency
  • Ensure staff always has access to necessary tools

Make Security and Safety a Top Priority

  • Pinpoint exact locations during emergencies
  • Quickly identify suspicious behavior
  • Keep children from wander off grounds
  • Provide protection for lone workers

Manage Large-Scale Events

  • Provide personalized navigation and information
  • Streamline check-in process
  • Improve crowd management
  • Optimize staff and equipment deployment

Let us help you build a smarter Hospitality offering with TRACE Sensors.

Phone: 647-367-1446